মঙ্গলবার, ১ জুলাই, ২০১৪

Folder Locker “Ultimate Locker” মাত্র ২ কেবি-এর ১ টি Portable সফটওয়ার দিয়ে লক করুন যেকোন সইজের ফল্ডার, ইন্স্টল করার কোন ঝামেলাই নেই !!!!!!!!!

Lock Your Desired Folder with 2kb software (No Need to Install)

At first download “Ultimate Locker” from here or here. Now keep it that drive/Folder where the desired folder is located whom you want to Lock. Double click the “Ultimate Locker”. A folder will be created which name is “LockedFolder”. Now keep your desired folder/file whom you want to Lock into “LockedFolder”. Again double click to “Ultimate Locker”. A message will show whether you want to Lock the “LockedFolder” or not. If you want to Lock the folder, only type “Y” without quotation mark and press Enter. Your folder will be locked. If you want to Unlock the folder Double click the “Ultimate Locker” and you will have to provide a password which is “abcdef” type without quotation mark and press Enter, you will find your Folder.

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